For this project, I was tasked with creating a magazine cover and spread page based around a controversial issue. We had to implement 3 different methods of physical photo manipulation meaning PhotoShop was not allowed.
I selected the topic of global warming as, despite the evidence, many people still do not believe the severity of global warming or that it is even an issue. My methods of manipulation were: collage, photocopying, degradation, and physical objects.
The cover image is a collage of a polar bear standing on an iceberg made of trash to show how damaging the sheer amount of garbage that litters our oceans is. Using some photocopy techniques, I transferred images of trash onto the snowy background to give it a dirty texture. Finally, fire was used in both degradation and physical object. The ice caps are melting and what better way to show that than with literal fire?
The magazine spread consists of similar techniques though the collage consists of a seal sitting on a trash iceberg with factory imagery in the background pumping in pollution.