Capstone - Path of Hope

For Capstone, I created an organization dedicated to men’s domestic abuse. Unfortunately, 1 in 4 men will be victims of domestic abuse in their lifetime. Yet men are 4 times less likely to report it, likely due to society’s stigma around treating male victims.

This is where Path of Hope comes in. Path of Hope was created to help solve issues male victims face, such as lack of resources and the need to spread awareness. Primarily aimed at male victims of domestic abuse, a campaign was created to take use of the online and in-person space to make sure anyone can access these resources.


A website was important as it created a space that anyone with internet could access regardless of their location. This helped with the issue that many male victims do not have access to resources they need.

Motion Graphics Videos

The following videos were created to educate and inform people about certain aspects of domestic abuse from spotting red flags to forming a safety plan. They are short and easy to follow, allow the viewer to come back at any time to easily find the information they need.


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