Personal Work

Animated Logo Commission
This was an animated logo commission I did for a Twitch Channel. I was given a file containing already built logo assets and created some storyboards for the client to review. Once approved, I got to work on creating a snappy and fast animated logo. This is the final product.
Arcane (Bones) AMV
An edited/animated music video using footage from Netflix’s Arcane season 1 set to Bones by Imagine Dragons. This was my first AMV and the one I spent the most time creating.
Splatoon 3 (Hand Clap) AMV
An edited/animated music video using footage from Nintendo’s Video Game Franchise Splatoon 3 set to Handclap by Fitz and the Tantrums. This was more of a tribute video for the game (mostly it’s story mode) as regular updates have now stopped. This is a franchise near and dear to me and I wanted to make something for it.
Breaking Bad Edit (Horse With No Name)
A short, edited, music video using footage from Sony Pictures’ Breaking Bad set to A Horse With No Name by America. This one is the shortest of my personal edits, created to more show off some of the well known scenes of the show set to a song featured in it.